Mobilizing local churches to transform lives & communities In the Name of Christ.
We are praising God for another great Love Your Neighbor Dessert Fundraiser. Together, we raised more than $97K in gifts & pledges!
Huge thanks to our table sponsors, event sponsors, and everyone who attended. The ministry of Love INC would not be possible without your support! Check back here soon to watch the full event recording & the impact story that was shared.
We believe there’s nothing more powerful than churches working together to transform lives and communities.
That's why our collaborative model mobilizes churches to serve those in need in holistic, relational ways.
Meet our friend, Kevin.
We hope you will take a few minutes to meet our friend, Kevin. From a law enforcement background, to Call Center volunteer, to Grow Together class facilitator and bus driver extraordinare, Kevin shares about his journey to Love INC and the impact its had in his life.
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Accepted Donations
Your donation will supply our Gap Ministries with much-needed items that will bless many people living in Benton County.
For a full list of Love INC services & information about the Grow Together Program, click the button below.
Looking for ways to serve your community and share the love of Jesus? There is a place for you at Love INC.